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Interacting with SecureRpc

Certain RPC methods may be aliased with manifold_ prefix instead of the eth_ prefix. We support the X-Flashbots header as well.

The endpoint for sending bundles, private txs, etc is located at:

No API key is needed to use the endpoint



Sends a bundle of transactions to the miner. The bundle has to be executed at the beginning of the block (before any other transactions), with bundle transactions executed exactly in the same order as provided in the bundle.

txsArray<Data>Array of signed transactions (eth_sendRawTransaction style, signed and RLP-encoded)a no-op in the light mode
blockNumberQuantityExact block number at which the bundle can be included.bundle is evicted after the block
minTimestampQuantityMinimum (inclusive) block timestamp at which the bundle can be included. If this value is 0 then any timestamp is acceptable.
maxTimestampQuantityMaximum (inclusive) block timestamp at which the bundle can be included. If this value is 0 then any timestamp is acceptable.
revertingTxHashesArray<Data>Array of tx hashes within the bundle that are allowed to cause the EVM execution to revert without preventing the bundle inclusion in a block.


{boolean} - true if bundle has been accepted by the node, otherwise false

Example Request

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{
"id": 1337,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "manifold_sendBundle",
"params": [
"txs" : [
"blockNumber" : "0xce7b22",
"minTimestamp" : 0,
"minTimestamp" : 0,
"revertingTxHashes": []
}' <url>


"id": 1337,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": true


Sends a raw transaction to be included for block construction. Transaction is marked as private which means that it will not be broadcast to any other node for as long as the configured txpool.privatetxlifespan in hours. Except for the no broadcast rule the transaction should be treated equally with all the public transaction pool transactions.

inputArray<Data>Signed transaction (eth_sendRawTransaction style, signed and RLP-encoded)


"error|value" : Data - txhash or error

Example Request

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{
"id": 1337,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_sendPrivateRawTransaction",
"params": [
}' <url>


"id": 1337,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": "0xdeadbeef883764809a94a5320e4557102f5a3fdd98dabd8cd48773b0eca00666"


Simulate a bundle of transactions at the top of a block.

After retrieving the block specified in the blockNrOrHash it takes the same blockhash, gasLimit, difficulty, same timestamp unless the blockTimestamp property is specified, and increases the block number by 1. manifold_callBundle will time out after 5 seconds.

Note about callBundle

This RPC Method was removed without notice by flashbots in v0.4.0 of their client, then added in the most recent release, v0.6.0. We maintain a separate client to ensure availability of this RPC Method

txsArray<Data>Array of signed transactions (eth_sendRawTransaction style, signed and RLP-encoded)
blockNumberQuantityA hex encoded block number for which this bundle is valid on
stateBlockNumberQuantity\|string\|Block IdentifierEither a hex encoded number or a {Block Identifier} for which state to base this simulation on.
timestampQuantityBlock timestamp to be used in replacement of the timestamp taken from the parent block.


Map<Data, "error|value" : Data> - a mapping from transaction hashes to execution results with error or output (value) for each of the transactions

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "manifold_callBundle", // the same as flashbots `eth_callBundle`
"params": [
txs, // Array[String], A list of signed transactions to execute in an atomic bundle
blockNumber, // String, a hex encoded block number for which this bundle is valid on
stateBlockNumber, // String, either a hex encoded number or a block tag for which state to base this simulation on. Can use "latest"
timestamp, // (Optional) Number, the timestamp to use for this bundle simulation, in seconds since the unix epoch